EPL & MENA Present Sudan’s Delayed Transition: How Did We Get Here?

Evanston Public Library and Northwestern University’s Middle East and North African Studies (MENA) department present the latest in our continuing series of lectures on the region.

In 2019 the Sudanese people peacefully overthrew the military dictatorship that had ruled them for more than 30 years. This victory was greeted with joyful enthusiasm by the international community. But like in many countries hoping to transition from a military dictatorship to a democratic, civilian led government, the question of what to do with men with guns remained.

About The Speaker: Alden Young is an associate professor of History and Global Affairs at Yale University. He is a political and economic historian of Africa and the Middle East. He has written extensively about Sudan, and is writing a book on post-partition conflicts in the Horn of Africa (e.g., Sudan-South Sudan and Ethiopia-Eritrea) with political scientist Michael Woldemariam.

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