Oakton Community College/Ray Hartstein Campus Emeritus Program

7701 N. Lincoln Avenue, Skokie, IL
Mailing: Alliance for Lifelong Learning P.O. Box 367 Skokie, IL
ZIP Code
Phone Number

The Emeritus Program offers residents a variety of noncredit
classes geared to the needs of "the student that wasn't born
yesterday!", including intellectually engaging experiences with expert
speakers and lecturers for the 55+ student.

The program includes weekly lectures in a variety of topics relevant to
our senior population. These programs are offered both at the Des
Plaines and Ray Hartstein campuses and also at a number of off-site
locations in the Oakton Community College district.

Oakton's highly regarded instructors and speakers are experts in their
respective fields and present lectures giving seasoned students the
opportunity to share valuable learning experiences with their peers in
areas such as Art, Cinematic Arts, Current Events, Health and Fitness,
History and Philosophy, Humanities, and Literature.

For more information, please call 847.982.9888.

Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.

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