PeaceAble Cities Evanston

Contact Person
Dr. Audrey French
Phone Number

Purpose is to create safe, respectful cities by supporting the efforts of community members to promote respect and prevent violence. The goal is for Evanston to become a completely peaceable city by 2020.
With community partner organizations organizes the annual "Peaceable Cities Walk and Talk" held each September. This free walk through some of Evanston's neighborhoods is characterized by some participants as "speed dating for the whole city" as participants are invited every ten minutes to change who they are walking and talking with, giving everyone an opportunity to know new people and new stories of other Evanston residents. Also working on the creation of a Peaceable City Index, a set of indicators collected annually that will help all in Evanston know if the city is moving toward its goal of becoming violence-free.

Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.

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