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Britannica Escolar le ofrece recursos de referencia en español en dos interfaces exclusivas — cada una con una enciclopedia adaptada a las necesidades del lector: Britannica Escolar para estudiantes de primaria y secundaria.
[This site offers resources in Spanish for all ages in two unique interfaces, each with its own comprehensive encyclopedia for elementary and middle school students.]
An up-to-date reference center for all ages–kids, teens, and adults–where you can conduct research, complete homework assignments, and work on special projects. Store your research in your own personal “My Britannica” account. If you need images for your assignments, check out Britannica’s Image Quest.
Britannica Moderna le ofrece recursos de referencia en español en dos interfaces exclusivas — cada una con una enciclopedia adaptada a las necesidades del lector: Britannica Moderna para los estudiantes de preparatoria y universidad.
[This site offers resources in Spanish for high school and college students.]
Primary Search is a full-text database of carefully curated content for elementary school libraries. It includes full text for the most popular children’s magazines, e-books, and easy-to-read encyclopedic entries written specifically for kids.
Covering topics in U.S. and world history from the earliest civilizations through the 21st century, History Reference Center is a research database containing full-text journals, magazines, reference books and thousands of primary source documents.
Full text of the Gale 19th Century, 20th Century and Contemporary Literary Criticism volumes. Thousands of essays and commentaries on contemporary and classic literature.
Middle Search Plus is a full-text database providing popular middle school magazines, reference e-books, and thousands of primary source documents and videos. Subjects include history, current events, science and sports.
Science Reference Center provides full text for hundreds of science magazines, journals, reference books and high-quality videos. The database also contains science experiments, curriculum-aligned lesson plans, and a vast image collection.