LitMatch: Personalized Readers’ Advisory

Do you have a lot of time on your hands this winter but don’t know what to read? Want to try some new and interesting titles?

Just fill out a brief survey, and we will provide a customized list of books just for you!

LitMatch is available for kids, teens and adults, as well as in Spanish.

Simply fill out the appropriate LitMatch form with as much information as you can. We’ll get back to you with our recommendations.

To Goodread or Not

September 15, 2011

I’ve flirted with Library Thing, and the I’m Reading app on Facebook, but when it all comes down to it; no one wants to have to deal with another online resource. Why would I want to remember one more user name, or have to deal with another password? For a long time, I felt this way about Goodreads.  I knew I was supposed to use it—I mean, I was a librarian for Pete’s sake!  Yet, I resisted.  I think the magic moment happened when I was trying to figure out what to read next, and I discovered their lists. You know that feeling of floating through a bookstore, browsing section by section with a latte in your hand, just excited to find that next big read that will keep you up all night? Continue reading “To Goodread or Not”

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