La Biblioteca le da la Bienvenida a la Nueva Bibliotecaria Latina / Library Welcomes New Latina Engagement Librarian

La Biblioteca Pública de Evanston se complace en dar la bienvenida a Mariana Bojorquez, la nueva bibliotecaria Latina. Bojorquez, quien se unió a la biblioteca en septiembre, coordinará y trabajará para establecer servicios informativos para la comunidad Latino en Evanston, tanto adentro como afuera de las paredes de la biblioteca, con un énfasis en las necesidades únicas de la creciente población Latino de Evanston. La población Latino de Evanston ha crecido de 9% en 2010 a una estimación de 11% en 2017 y sigue creciendo.

“Queremos que todos se sientan en casa en la biblioteca, y reconocemos que esto puede ser un poco difícil para nuestros residentes Latinos, especialmente aquellos quienes el inglés no es su primer idioma. Mariana es una bibliotecaria Latina bilingüe con mucha creatividad, competencia cultural, entusiasmo, y con habilidades de comunicación excepcionales. Sabemos que ella nos ayudará a continuar avanzando nuestra visión de tener una biblioteca equitativa con programas y servicios relevantes para nuestros residentes Latinos,” dijo Karen Danczak Lyons, Directora de la Biblioteca Pública de Evanston.

Bojorquez, quien se graduó de Dominican University con una Maestría en Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información (MLIS) en 2018, nació y fue creada en Los Ángeles, California. Su padre fue un conductor de autobuses para el Distrito Escolar de Los Ángeles y era bilingüe; su madre solo habla español.

Ella afirma, “Tengo el privilegio de estar en una posición única para participar y colaborar con no solo la comunidad Latina en Evanston, pero con mis compañeros de trabajo también, para descubrir y atender las necesidades de los Latinos en Evanston. Espero traer nuevas perspectivas a la biblioteca con mi presencia y a animar a los Latinos a visitar la biblioteca, para que la vean como una institución que puede tener un impacto significante en sus vidas y en las vidas de sus hijos con el desarrollo de programación relevante a sus intereses.”

(Photo by Lynn Trautmann, LTPhoto)


The Evanston Public Library is pleased to welcome Mariana Bojorquez, the Library’s new Latino Engagement Librarian. Bojorquez, who joined the Library in September, will coordinate and work to provide library services for the Evanston Latino community both within and beyond the walls of the library, with an extra emphasis on the needs of Evanston’s growing population of Spanish speaking residents. The Hispanic population of Evanston has grown from 9% in 2010 to an estimate of 11% in 2017.

“We want everyone to feel at home in the Library, and we recognize that this can be more challenging for our Latino residents, especially those for whom English is not their primary language. Mariana is a bilingual Latina librarian with exceptional communication skills, resourcefulness, cultural competence, and enthusiasm.  We know she will help us continue to move forward in providing equitable access and relevant programs and services to our Latino residents,” said Karen Danczak Lyons, EPL Library Director.

Bojorquez, who graduated from Dominican University with a Master’s of Library and Information Science in 2018, was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. Her father was a bus driver for the LA school district and is bilingual; her mother speaks Spanish only.

She states, “I’m privileged to be in the position to engage and collaborate with the Spanish-speaking community and our own library staff to uncover and address the unique needs of our Latino community. I hope to bring a new perspective with my presence and to encourage the Latino/a’s of Evanston to see the library as an institution that can have a meaningful impact on their lives and the lives of their children through relevant programming.”

(Photo by Lynn Trautmann, LTPhoto)

Neil Gaiman on why our future depends on libraries, reading and daydreaming

October 16, 2013

gaimanThe Reading Agency, a British charity with a mission “to inspire more people to read more,” asked author Neil Gaiman to give their second annual lecture on the future of reading and libraries. Mr. Gaiman strongly believes that library closures are “like stopping the vaccination programmes,” and that

“libraries are about freedom. Freedom to read, freedom of ideas, freedom of communication. They are about education (which is not a process that finishes the day we leave school or university), about entertainment, about making safe spaces, and about access to information.

I worry that here in the 21st century people misunderstand what libraries are and the purpose of them. If you perceive a library as a shelf of books, it may seem antiquated or outdated in a world in which most, but not all, books in print exist digitally. But that is to miss the point fundamentally.”

You can read an edited version of Mr. Gaiman’s impassioned lecture here. Also, you can find many of his books at EPL.

~ Olivia

Should libraries be designed as storm shelters?

October 10, 2013

stormSociologist Eric Klinenberg, who wrote a book about the summer of 1995 in Chicago where nearly 700 people died from heat, is suggesting that library branches be outfitted to cope with extreme weather. More than that, he’s saying we should actually build more branches for this purpose. He argues that in emergencies people gravitate to places they like and libraries already offer some community resources. See this NYTimes article for a thought-provoking discussion.

Shira S.

No Lie – George Washington Presidential Library Opens

October 1, 2013

MOUNTVERNON-articleLargeThe Fred W. Smith National library for the Study of George Washington opened on September 27. The $47 million library in Mount Vernon is dedicated to the study of America’s first president. Ann Bookout, chairman of the board of the Mount Vernon Ladies Association, which has maintained George Washington’s home since 1853, said:  “I really believe that George Washington is the indispensable man, without whom this nation would not have been created. He led us to our freedom, gave up power, and came home to his beloved Mount Vernon.” Part of the library’s mission is separating fact from fiction about Washington — he did not cut down a cherry tree, nor did he throw a silver dollar across the Potomac River. The crown jewel of the library collection is Washington’s Acts of Congress, which was purchased at auction last year for $9.8 million, and includes the just-ratified U.S. Constitution. Read more here.

A Valentine to Libraries

February 21, 2012

Huffington Post recently asked for people’s attitudes toward their libraries. They assembled a collection of affectionate tweets explaining just what  they love about their local library. One comment I especially liked: “…the quiet mystery of absorbed & oblivious readers.” In a world where many are concerned about people becoming oblivious and indifferent to each other, a common theme was the view of a library as a public place to mingle with different types. Would you care to add a tweet of your own?

Shira S.

Libraries Struggle to Fill E-book Demands

January 24, 2012

EarlyWord points out an interesting article in the Washington Post about the difficulties libraries have in obtaining e-books.Some facilities do not have funds to keep up with the need and some publishers are not fully cooperating with the libraries. The article highlights the friction between slashed library budgets and the growing pressure to keep up with digital media. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.   Shira S.

“All Things Considered” considers the future of libraries

April 5, 2011

Will the youngsters in this picture enjoying the children’s room at the Evanston Public Library grow up to think of a library as a “temple of books?” If the current trend of
the digitization of reading and research continues, they may not even have to visit a library to be regular patrons. This very interesting story by NPR’s Lynn Neary on the future of public libraries ran yesterday on “All Things Considered,” and explored how the digital revolution is compelling librarians, publishers, authors, content providers, and IT professionals to be innovative and even daring in creating the library of the 21st century.

Barbara L.

Libraries of Japan Damaged

March 14, 2011








Of course, the important priorities are taking care of people and housing,etc., during a natural catastrophe. However, people do always wonder about the additional things they care about. In this case, I mean books. So, what is the status of libraries around Japan? The Huffington Post linked to this Japanese collection of photos- pardon the language barrier.

Shira S.

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